Historical Development of Digitalisation

The visibility of digital in our lives is actually not very new. Humanity first met digitalisation with the development and use of electronic computers. The first digital computers started to be developed in the first half of the 20th century. Afterwards, it developed without slowing down and influenced all sectors.  In fact, the beginning of digitalisation is mechanics, i.e. machines. We were not always at the end of the keyboard, the story of technology and digital transformation We can also accept the aftermath of the industrial revolution. We can open the digitalisation processes at the turning point of history with some examples. In 1936, Alan Turing introduced a theoretical computational model he called the “Turing machine”. This theoretical model is based on the basic logic of today’s digital computers. In time, during the Second World War, a series of electronic computers were developed and put into use. These computers used electronic circuits to perform digital calculations. In the process, with the invention of the transistor, electronic devices became smaller, faster and more reliable. This played a highly effective role in the development and acceleration of digital technologies.

Evolution of Technology and Digital Revolution


From the mid-1970s onwards, personal computers became popular. In the late 1990s and early 2000s, the public availability of the internet was seen as an important step in digitising information sharing and communication. The widespread use of smartphones and tablet devices allowed digitalisation to be personalised and accessible from anywhere.

Digitalisation started with the development and use of electronic computers in a historical process of humanity. The first digital computers started to be developed in the first half of the 20th century and continuously improved with technological advances. For example, Alan Turing’s Turing machine theory laid the foundation for today’s computers.

Digitalisation is a concept in which the advancement of technology and the impact of digital technologies on society, economy and culture differ from country to country. The levels of digitalisation between countries vary depending on many factors.

The digitalisation levels of countries are closely related to their technological infrastructure. Infrastructure elements such as internet access, mobile networks, fast data transmission and information technologies deeply affect digitalisation. Countries with developed economies are making significant investments to increase their digitalisation levels by allocating more resources for digitalisation. Digitalisation is a process where society needs to accept and embrace these changes. The society’s approach to technology and its desire for digitalisation affect the level of digitalisation of the country. At the same time, the cultural values and norms of countries affect the digitalisation process. Some countries are more attached to traditional values and this increases the potential to influence the pace of digitalisation.

Turkey’s Digital Future and Vision

Turkey’s digital transformation has made significant progress in recent years. Turkey has made significant investments in broadband internet access and mobile networks. These investments are paying off over time, enabling more people to access the internet. Similarly, Ankara continues to work on the roll-out of 5G technology. Turkey has taken important steps in e-government applications. Citizens access public services digitally and perform many transactions online, from tax payments to health services, providing more effective public services to its citizens compared to many European countries. Likewise, efforts are being made to promote digital transformation in the field of education. Considering that distance education has gained importance especially during the pandemic, significant investments have been made to develop infrastructure and content.  On the other hand, Turkey is home to many technology start-ups. The innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem accelerates digitalisation. In parallel with this, Turkey is making significant breakthroughs in many areas, especially in the e-commerce sector.

Keeping pace with digital transformation is now one of the most important areas that all countries of the world should be in the first place.

In Turkey’s centenary year, digital transformation has a vital importance for the economic, social and cultural development of the country. In this period, the steps to be taken in many areas from education to health, industry to technology will shape Turkey’s future.

Updating the education system with digital skills will ensure that students are prepared for the business world of the future. R&D investments in technology and innovation will enable Turkey to play a more effective role in global competition. Strengthening the cyber security infrastructure will provide protection against the risks brought by digital transformation, and legal regulations to protect data and personal privacy will increase the country’s digital security.

The dissemination of digital technologies and IoT in the industrial sector will increase production capacity and efficiency. The use of digital services in the health sector will expand health access and improve its quality. Providing digital literacy to citizens will enable society to adapt to digital transformation faster.

The Role of the International Digital Entrepreneurship Association (UDGD)

The contributions of the International Digital Entrepreneurship Association (IDA) to digital transformation in Turkey’s centenary year will not only improve the country’s position in global competition, but also move it forward in social and cultural terms. This multifaceted impact can position digital transformation in Turkey’s centenary year not only as a technological innovation but also as a means of social transformation. Digital transformation is not only a technological phenomenon; it is also a cultural transformation. UDGD’s work in this field will contribute to Turkey’s cultural transformation by facilitating the integration of digital technologies into daily life, education and the business world.

In conclusion, digital transformation in Turkey’s centenary year will not only mean a technological development, but also an economic and social breakthrough. The strategic steps to be taken in this process will lead Turkey to a more competitive, innovative and sustainable future.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them 2021-1-TR01-KA210-YOU-000027475

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