The project has undertaken a thorough analysis of the current situation in Europe, in order to identify the most pressing needs and challenges facing the region. Based on this analysis, a set of basic skills has been identified as crucial for success in the field of social entrepreneurship. These skills have been carefully selected to provide participants with the knowledge and tools needed to navigate the complex landscape of social entrepreneurship in a digital age. This first activity will focus on developing training content that covers a wide range of essential topics, including introduction to digital social entrepreneurship, social need analysis, social business models, funding strategies, finance and budgeting, digital marketing, team management, and e-commerce. These topics will be addressed by the consortium through a series of partner meetings, and may be adapted or modified as needed in response to the latest developments in the field. By providing participants with access to these essential skills and knowledge, the project aims to empower them to become effective and successful social entrepreneurs. Whether they are launching a new business, seeking funding for an innovative idea, or navigating the challenges of team management and digital marketing, participants will have the skills and tools they need to thrive. With the support of the consortium and the broader community of social entrepreneurs across Europe, the project is poised to make a meaningful impact on the region and beyond.
The second activity is the Comprehensive Training Course on Digital Social Entrepreneurship (DSE). The course content will be developed collaboratively by the project partners during the first phase of the project, and the initial implementation will be conducted online within the project consortium. Each partner will present the modules they have led during the first implementation, allowing the partnership to review and take necessary precautions before presenting it to the target group. The course will be structured and will last 30 hours, covering topics such as Digital Social Entrepreneurship, Social Need Analysis, Social Business Model, Funding Ideas, Finance and Budgeting, Digital Marketing, Digital Model for Social Entrepreneurship, Human Resources and Team Management, and e-Commerce. Initially, it is planned to conduct the course in-person, but the partnership will decide on whether to offer it fully online or partially in-person and online during the implementation phase, depending on the target group's situation. This approach will enable the partnership to monitor the course's effectiveness and collect feedback from end-users. The consortium will determine which partners will offer the course.
The third activity aims to ensure the effectiveness and usefulness of the Digital Social Entrepreneurship Course through a four-step process that follows up with the candidate digital social entrepreneurs via an online learning environment. The process includes preparing the online learning environment with virtual workshop support, uploading content to the environment, conducting face-to-face workshops, and hosting online follow-up tutoring workshops. During the face-to-face workshops, participants will be grouped in two or three and will be tutored by their trainers to design their own digital social enterprises with a plan to follow. These plans will be uploaded to the online learning environment, which the group tutor will track. In the online follow-up tutoring workshops, these groups will meet regularly with their tutor trainers to receive updates and feedback on their work. At the end of the program, participants will present their enterprise and receive a certificate, validating their acquired skills.
Throughout the duration of the project, three transnational face-to-face meetings are scheduled. Besides from face-to-face sessions, at least three virtual meetings will be held. The majority of contact over the project term will be online, but face-to-face meetings are essential for sharing experience, discussing further development, and making choices about the next project stages. Transnational meetings are also an opportunity to introduce the project team to local target groups and communicate project ideas, actions, and outcomes. The partnership coordinator will prepare each TPM in consultation with the host partner.
The dissemination activity will play a key role in raising awareness of the project's goals and objectives. The design of a logo is the first step in order to ensure the uniqueness and recognition of the project. In the long run the projects aims to reach more audience through various channels such as social media, newsletters, brochures, articles. The dissemination will include the organization of multiplier events and trainings to reach out to a wider audience. The primary focus of this activity is to promote the project milestones, its accomplishments and to highlight the impact of the project on the target group. By doing so, the project will gain visibility and recognition, leading to potential collaborations and partnerships with other organizations in the field.
Apart from the Project's major activities, we will take the measures required to administer the project and coordinate a multinational team. The project management, development of activities and their quality, and all areas of partner engagement will be reviewed on a constant basis. The evaluation procedure will last the duration of the project. The frequent reports will be utilized to improve communication, collaboration among partners, and output quality so that it best meets the demands of the target groups.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them 2021-1-TR01-KA210-YOU-000027475