The Partnership

Uluslararası Dijital Girişimcilik Derneği (UDGD) 🇹🇷

The International Digital Entrepreneurship Association (UDGD) is an NGO founded with the idea of supporting people and organizations with digital thinking in the ever-growing digital world.UDGD works to raise awareness of entrepreneurs, entrepreneur candidates and society in order to spread the digital entrepreneurship culture in Turkey and in the world. It organizes events to equip digital entrepreneurs in business processes, compiles and produces online and printed resources. Also, It examines, analyzes and reports the processes that form the basic building blocks of digital entrepreneurship and contribute to the digital entrepreneurship ecosystem.Strong Communication, Digital Transformation and Sustainable Development are three founding pillars of the organization.

Innovation Hive 🇬🇷

Innovation Hive is a private non-profit organization located in Greece, specialized in the fields of research and innovation. Our actions aim to enhance the economic and social cohesion of European societies while our goal is to find solutions to the new innovation challenges, achieve growth, sustainability and maximize the impact to the society. The organization’s philosophy in order to achieve these goals is based on co-creation methodologies and a quadruple helix approach. The engagement of stakeholders from industry, science and society is aiming to create links between the businesses, the academia and the civic actors in order to develop a combination of knowledge, skills, tools, values and motivation. The final goal is to make the difference in local societies and to succeed at the highest level the principles of social innovation concepts.

AS BCS Koolitus 🇪🇪

BCS Koolitus – the ICT training division of Baltic Computer Systems has been the leading ICT continuing training company in Estonia since 1993. We provide lifelong learning in almost all topics related to ICT for IT specialists, end-users, and managers. We are the official Awarding Body of Occupational Qualifications in ICT field in Estonia. Our international experience extends to students and groups, including top government officials from more than 30 countries.

AtlasCo Academy 🇹🇷

AtlasCo Educational and Consultancy Company located in Istanbul Turkey is a continuing education & training center/provider and a developmental center. AtlasCo was founded in 2018 as a big family to collect experts in Trainings and Project managers  in Turkey. The organization uses its surplus revenues to further achieve its purpose or mission. It organizes its activities operating as an international training provider, offering counseling services and providing solutions through Ministry of Youth and Sport, Ministry of Education , Ministry of Health, Municipality, and training organizations.
Mission: AtlasCo’s mission is aligned with the EU strategic framework of training – particularly among educators and students. AtlasCo ‘s mission is to provide certified education & training opportunities, counseling & personal development in order to contribute to their improvement on personal and professional levels.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them 2021-1-TR01-KA210-YOU-000027475

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